Alamia Enndor


Alamia is known for her laid-back and easygoing personality. As a saleswoman she is generally friendly and approachable, making her well-liked among those she meets during her travels. Alamia is a skilled potion-maker and can be seen selling her wares from her traveling cart, which she affectionately calls her "home on wheels." Her cart is also powered by her loyal parent, a large dog that she nursed back to health and in turn became her familiar.


Alamia has striking features that are hard to miss. Her long straight black hair falls down her back, giving her an alluring and mysterious look and her expression is often easygoing and chill. She has distinct gray skin, which is not uncommon for trolls, yellow eyes with Thick, bold eyebrows siting above them. Her style is unique and edgy. She wears black lipstick that accentuates her full lips, a long red dress that reaches her feet with a black vest over it, red fingerless evening gloves cover her hands, and her skull belt serves as a striking accessory. Her swept back jagged horns add to her aura of power and mystery, and her red witch hat only serves to enhance her witchy appearance.

Powers and Skills

Necromancy - Can make and control Zombies

Potioncraft (offensive) - Can create more than just healing potions, these potions have harmful effects such as exploding, trapping, or giving certain effects to the victim.


Alamia seems to have an easygoing and go-with-the-flow personality. She has an optimistic outlook on life despite her difficult past and seems to have a genuine desire to help others through her potion-making and healing abilities. Her caring nature is highlighted by her relationship with Amares, whom she loves and supports, despite the other woman's perceived inadequacy in the eyes of La Brujota. It is unclear what kind of relationship Amares and Alamia share, but there seems to be a strong emotional bond between them. Alamia's kind and nurturing nature is further emphasized by her relationship with her lusus, the big dog she nursed back to health and who now serves as her loyal familiar. Her ability to heal and care for others, both human and animal, speaks to her natural inclination towards compassion and empathy. At the same time, she is also a skilled and talented witch, as evidenced by her ability to perform necromancy and potion-making. Despite her calm and easygoing personality, Alamia is not afraid to stand up for herself and her beliefs. Her go-with-the-flow attitude does not mean that she is a pushover, and she is not afraid to fight for what she thinks is right. Her willingness to support Amares despite La Brujota's disapproval shows her loyalty and courage in the face of adversity. Overall, Alamia's personality is a complex mix of compassion, determination, and strength, making her a unique and fascinating character in her own right.